I'm so happy you've found this site. I'm pleased to be able to share my art and my messages with you. The act of creating my paintings and designs inspired and encouraged growth and transformation within myself. It is my hope that you will find something that speaks to your heart and blesses and inspires you.
My Story
I am an artist, practical mystic and metaphysical guide. I've been on this path my entire life. As a small child I liked to contemplate the concept of God. I sought beauty and connection in nature and animals and found peace and stillness in the creation process. I was, and remain attracted to bright colors, violet in particular, and I loved sitting quietly to draw. I didn't consciously understand that I was using my art as a tool for centering, contemplation, personal exploration, and growth. I only knew that I wanted to create something beautiful. I wanted to capture the things that I loved. I wanted to hold what I saw, or taste it, or be it. I think I wanted to absorb it in some way. Like if I drew it, then I could somehow realize all the beautiful things outside of me, through and into me. Today, I understand more fully that I look outside of myself, and I filter and translate through my being. The images I draw are expressions of my Self.
When I began to consciously use art as a form of personal exploration, my intention was to consider the concept of duality. Many of my early designs are black and white power animals. As I grew more into my Self, I discovered I can be even more purposeful. I can continue to create images that are pleasing to me, and I can with intention, channel the energy of hope, faith and love into the art as I create. I do this by looking out at the world, finding some atrocious thing, and then drawing the exact opposite. My images represent transformation and possibility, and they anchor in a frequency of healing. The art is the physical manifestation of an answered prayer. It is a blessing to those who receive it. I purposefully channel a loving and hopeful frequency as I paint the images that Spirit provides to me.